Monday, June 22, 2009

Why Drink Grower Champagne?

"You should drink grower Champagne if you've forgotten that Champagne is WINE."

You should drink "farmer-fizz" if you'd rather buy Champagne from a farmer than a factory.

You should drink it if you'd rather have a wine expressive of vineyard, and the grower's own connection to vineyard.

You should drink grower Champagne if the individually distinctive flavors of terroir-driven wines matter more than the lowest-common denominator pap served up by the mega conglomerates in the "luxury goods" business.

You should drink it because it's honest REAL wine grown and made by a vintner—by a FAMILY just like yours—by a "him," not by an "it."

You should drink it because its price is honestly based on what it costs to produce, not manipulated to account for massive PR and ad budgets." - Terry Thiese

We are proud to support Grower Champagne, and have one of our favorites on sale this week!

Pierre Gimmonet 1er Cru Blanc de Blancs

This 100% Chardonnay is amazingly bright and explosive, like biting into a Granny Smith apple! Crisp, refreshing and of the most delicious and refreshing Champagnes I have ever tasted. Once paired with a seared scallop on a bed of apple slaw...perfect! One of the best Champagne's you will ever find at this price.

Regular price is $47.99, on sale June 22nd to 28th for $39.99

To buy this wine, send us an email.

(Keep your eyes open for this year's Grower Champagne dinner...five courses, all paired with Champagne!)

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